Updated: Dec 2022

Dates are one of the olderst cultiaved fruit in the world and the Middle East is the hub of of its cultivation. Yes, we are talking about dates and the benefits of dates for men, women, and kids.

Today, dates are grown all over the world. The place of origin of dates still remains unknown, but it is believed to have originated around the lands of Iraq.

Over 2000 varieties of dates grow on a palm tree known as the date palm. Medjool dates are one of the famous varieties of dates and are grown in the US. Medjool dates are famous for their color and sweet flavor. Dates act as a great sugar substitute in desserts and protein shakes.

Advantages of Eating Dates

Dates are miraculous fruit. There are many health benefits of dates including relief from Abdominal Cancer, Anemia, Constipation, Diarrhea, Heart Problems, Intestinal Disorders, Sexual Dysfunction, etc.

Dates are helpful in Weight Gain, Muscle Development, Recovering Injuries, Reducing Blood Pressure, Regulating Digestion, Eye Health, etc. They are also a rich source of Calcium, Copper, Folate, Iron, Magnesium, Manganese, Niacin, Phosphorous, Potassium, Riboflavin, Sulfur, Thiamine, Zinc, and Vitamin A.

The presence of Potassium provides benefits to the dates in boosting the nervous system functionality. The brain improves in responding quickly and stays more alert.

Dates are also found favorable in treating allergies. The presence of organic sulfur helps to prevent seasonal allergies.

Health Benefits of Dates | AnyBodyCanBake

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Dates health benefits for Men and Women

Dates are natural aphrodisiacs and help in treating sexual disorders. Dates are known for their ability to improve male fertility. It is one of the best fruits with high estradiol and flavonoid levels.

This helps in improving sperm quality and quantity. Dates also increase the size of men's testes and women's breasts.

Buy the best quality dates today and include them in your daily diet to improve your health.

Are Dates Good for Toddlers?

Dates keep your heart healthy, and we have already read their nutritional value and thus are good to include in toddler's diets. Dates can provide additional growth to the child that only milk cannot provide.

But include dates in a toddler’s diet only when they have started eating solids. Introduce dates just like you introduce any other fruit to your child. Start with 2-3 dates in a day and monitor your child's reactions.

Benefits of eating dates in the morning

The laxative nature of the dates helps cure common constipation problems. Dates help in boosting body energy levels quickly.

There are lots of benefits of eating dates in empty stomach. Consuming dates can take care of your required daily intake of dietary fiber.

Dates soaked in water overnight benefits

Soak them overnight and consume them the following day. The results have been great for weak hearts. Soaked dates benefits by reducing heart strokes and other heart-related diseases. They are also helpful in lowering alcoholic intoxication and hangovers. Eating dates at night benefits.

Benefits of Almonds and Dates for Breakfast

The combination of 8 almonds and 2 dates is known to be magical. The combo provides about 200 calories to begin your day with. After 30 minutes of waking up, eating almonds and dates for breakfast improves your sleep at night.

The early dose of almonds and dates for breakfast triggers the metabolism and stabilizes blood sugar. It also releases melatonin for a good night's sleep.

How to eat Dates | AnyBodyCanBake

Benefits of Dates with Honey

Dates and Honey are both known for their health benefits. And when they are combined together in the form of syrup, they have excellent benefits. The combination provides a large number of antioxidants that prevent cell damage.

Because of the higher glucose level, the combination is a natural way to gain weight. Also, the higher glucose level works as an energy booster in no time. The mixture is also known for preventing night blindness and abdominal cancer.

Benefits of Dates with Milk

Dates and Honey are both known for their health benefits. And when they are combined together in the form of syrup, they have excellent benefits. The combination provides a large number of antioxidants that prevent cell damage.

Because of the higher glucose level, the combination is a natural way to gain weight. Also, the higher glucose level works as an energy booster in no time. The mixture is also known for preventing night blindness and abdominal cancer.

Benefits of Dates with Milk

Dates added to milk help to prevent anemia and constipation. Milk and Dates are also well known for their ability to build sexual strength. Dates with milk is also maintain a healthy nervous system and heart.

Buy the best quality dates today and include them in your daily diet to improve your health.

How many Dates to eat per day

I don’t know. Depending on your situation and body health, your doctor is the best person to comment on this. But, as a general rule, a single date is about 35 to 40 calories. How many you want to consume should answer how many dates you should eat per day.

Eating 4-5 dates a day should be fine. If you are diabetic consuming 2-3 dates should be acceptable. But you must exercise daily and maintain healthy eating habits. But if you have some medical condition, you must consult your doctor.

How to include dates in baking?

Dates are an excellent alternative to refined sugar in baking. This natural sweetener will help you bake healthily at home.

You could make a puree of dates and use dates puree as an alternative to granulated sugar. You can replace 1 cup of refined sugar with 2/3 cup of dates syrup.

There are many other natural sugar alternatives, and I cover them in my healthy dessert baking course. If you want to learn to start baking healthy at home, look at my 30 Days Healthy Baking Challenge Course.

Don't know where to start?

Explore Online Healthy Baking Course and Start Baking at Home. 

Popular Recipes with Dates

When it comes to healthy baking, I prefer baking with dates instead of sugar. For some easy desserts with dates, you could look at Coffee Date Cake and Carrot Date Muffins. In both these recipes I have used chopped dates.

For recipes using date syrup, please check my Quinoa Brownies. and not to forget my dates protein balls which is extremely popular among kids.

Side effects of dates

Unlike most fiber-rich food, dates are not a low-calorie food. The high level of sugar and carbohydrate makes them calorie rich. There are about 65 calories in a single date to talk about.

If you are on medical restrictions on sugar intake, even if it comes from fruit, restrict eating dates. If you are trying to lose weight, the same is true for you too.

One should be careful of the sticky surface of the dates before consuming them. The sticky surface attracts lots of impurities; unless processed, the impurities become a part of the fruit while you consume it. Be sure to wash them and enjoy the full benefits of dates.

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Best time to eat Dates

Dates are high in sugar content but do not spike blood sugar quickly. Dates release the carb slowly in your body. Hence eating 2-4 dates 30-45 before a workout would help with a steady stream of energy.

The high fiber content of dates will make you feel full for longer; hence, eating dates before bedtime is acceptable but moderate.

The worst time to eat Dates

Individuals with digestion issues should refrain from eating dates after meals. Their high dietary fiber content makes it challenging to digest short-chain carbs, ultimately leading to gas & bloating. 

For sugar alcohol in dates, sorbitol causes diarrhea, which aggravates the itchiness of the stools, making dates impractical to consume until diarrhea and loose stools cease.

People allergic to dates or have irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), or sensitivities should also avoid eating dates due to their high fructose content.

Otherwise, eat dates at any time of the day and enjoy their health benefits.


Fresh dates provide instant energy and fewer calories than dried dates. Because dates are high in fiber, it helps weight loss and improves digestion. Fiber dates are also a good source of vitamins A, B6, B12, C, and K.

For people with a sweet tooth, replacing high calories in desserts with dates can help them satisfy their cravings. Dates are also a great natural sugar substitute that people now use in their recipes.

However, eating dates in quantity can have an adverse effect when you are on a weight loss spree. To some people eating dates may upset the stomach.

Some of the less talked about, and not-so-known benefits of dates are

  • Improves skin complexion
  • Improves vision
  • Helps lower cholesterol

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About Sonia Gupta

Sonia Gupta, a seasoned baker with a decade specializing in eggless baking. She is an award-winning Baking Instructor, Blogger, YouTuber & a Recipe Creator.

  • Namaste Andi..yr presentation toward DATES health benefits deserves worthy nd accolades..Anticipate u rather present cashews nd it’s numerous benefits in a befitting manner. Accept congratulations ji

  • Dates contain several types of antioxidants that may help prevent the development of certain chronic illnesses, such as heart disease, cancer, Alzheimer’s and diabetes. It is really very beneficial for health.

  • Most of the calories in dates come from carbs. The rest are from a very small amount of protein. Despite their calories, dates contain some important vitamins and minerals in addition to a significant amount of fiber.

  • Hi, is it okay to drink red date soak and honey water? I mean, after i drink the red date soak i then drink the honey water on an empty stomach in the morning. Hope you’ll reply. 🙂

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