Personally, I love chocolate ganache. It is one of the best frostings ever invented. A basic ganache requires primarily just two ingredients- Chocolate and cream.

|Recommended Recipe: Homemade Chocolate Sauce

What is a Chocolate Ganache?

Ganache is a flavorful mixture of cream and chocolate. Where the cream is heated and chocolate is added to it. The ganache was originated in France by a chef, accidentally, where it was then used for glazing and icing cakes.

The choice of chocolate is important while making a chocolate ganache. Personally, there is nothing great than using actual or coverture chocolate. But even compound chocolate works.

The other ingredient in a chocolate ganache is the cream. Cream with a fat content of at least 25% should be used while making the ganache. More the fat content more will be the richness of the ganache. The milk solids in both the cream and chocolate help the ganache to set.

Whipping cream (both non-dairy and dairy) can also be used. However, ganache made using just whipping cream is much sweeter than the one made with fresh cream because of the sugar content in the prior one.

There are three consistencies of ganache depending on the use. For glazing, for frosting and for making truffles.

Glazing, the ratio of cream to chocolate is 2:1

Ganache Frosting, the ratio is 1:1

Truffle (which is richer) the ratio is 1:2

White chocolate ganache

White chocolate ganache is a little tricky than the former. You would like to invest in the good quality of white chocolate for better results.

To make a white chocolate ganache, you need to increase the ratio of cream and chocolate. For frosting, it will be 1:3.

I have used both coverture and compound and my personal belief is that coverture tastes better than a compound.

Black chocolate ganache

Add your black food grade color in the dark ganache for a pitch black ganache. Never add black color to your white chocolate ganache unless you need a grey ganache, I personally love Wilton gel colors. I wouldn’t recommend liquid gel colors. Even powdered colors work well. But for pigmented colors, a good gel color would be the best choice.

Can you color your white chocolate ganache? Yes, of course, you can.

Chocolate Ganache with Milk

In chocolate ganache milk, you basically reduce the amount of cream and increase the amount of milk content and milk fats. So while making the milk ganache we change the cream to chocolate ratio to 1:2 for frosting. Doubling the chocolate ratio here increases the number of milk contents. Now you know why your chocolate ganache with milk is usually softer.

|Top 5 Cake Chocolate Ganache Recipe Easy:

Eggless DBC Cake
Death by Chocolate Cake
Dusk and Dawn Gateau
Chocolate Ganahe Cake
Chocolate Semolina Cake                                                                                                                                Simple Chocolate Cake                                                                                                                                        Eggless Chocolate Mud Cake

Storing Ganache

Ganache, if made properly, sets up at room temperature, considering the fact that the surrounding has to be cool but not cold. It can also be set in the fridge but only after it has cooled down to room temperature. The ganache has to be stored for at least 6 hours for it to firm up. Apply a layer of cling wrap on top so that a skin doesn't form on the ganache.

Before using the ganache take it out and keep it for an hour to thaw.


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Whipped Chocolate Ganache?

Once the ganache is set, start whipping the ganache till it lightens and becomes fluffy. It usually increases in mass volume.

Do not over whip.

Grainy ganache

Making a ganache is surely a simple process but sometimes a simplest of the process can be tricky. The first thing to keep in mind is heating of the cream. The cream should just come to a boil and not a roaring boil. When I say boil, I mean the edges of the cream should form bubbles.

If it is boiled longer, the temperature rises and when the chocolate is poured, it seizes in the hot cream and becomes grainy. When that happens, strain the ganache. If it still remains grainy, it is best to use your chocolate ganache for milkshakes and ice-creams.

Chocolate Ganache FAQ’s

How to store leftover ganache?

I usually place it in a ziplock bag or good plastic container and keep it in the freezer. It stays good for months.

Can any kind of liquor or extract be added in ganache?

Yes, you can, but add liquor once your ganache has cooled down to room temperature.

How to make ganache in the microwave?

Yes. Add cream and chopped chocolate in a microwave-safe bowl. Place it in the microwave and heat it at 15 seconds burst. After every 15 seconds remove and stir thoroughly. Once mixed set it aside to cool.

While making it on the stove top can I heat the cream directly without using a double boiler?

Yes but if you are still a beginner, the double boiler will be the safest bet.

Do I add chopped chocolate to the hot cream or hot cream on the chocolate?

Doesn't matter if you ask me. But once added, keep it that way for some time and then stir for a uniform smoothness.

How to bring shine in my ganache?

Add butter. For 600 grams of ganache recipe, I add around 30 grams of butter. It makes the ganache a little softer and smoother with a shine.

Should I add large chunks or chop the chocolate?

I would advise chopping it. It helps in melting the chocolate in the cream uniformly.

My ganache still seized though I followed everything correctly. Why?

This time the culprit might be the chocolate. If you store your chocolate in the fridge (which you shouldn't) then the condensation of the chocolate makes it to seize up. Bring it to room temperature before using.

I use 1:1 ratio for my dark ganache but it doesn't set. What do I do?

Increase the ratio to 1:1.5 (cream: chocolate)

I use 1:2 it still doesn't set. Why?

First, check if you have followed all the above steps religiously. If yes then check the cocoa fat content in your chocolate. The greater the fat content the better the results shall be. It has to have a minimum of 55% cocoa. Second is to add butter. The fat in the butter helps it to firm up.

Hopefully, this article will help you find answers to a lot of your question around chocolate ganache. I tried to answer most common questions. I am certainly open to hearing more questions from you and will be happy to answer them too. The comment box awaits your inputs.

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For Indian Users

Dark Chocolate | White Chocolate | Chocolate Compound

About Sonia Gupta

Sonia Gupta, a seasoned baker with a decade specializing in eggless baking. She is an award-winning Baking Instructor, Blogger, YouTuber & a Recipe Creator.

  • Hi Sonia,

    Thanks a lot for your detailed article. I have tried a many recipes from your blog and all of it taste good.
    I just have a small query, can we use combination of dark chocolate and milk chocolate to make ganache?

    • Absolutely yes. If you are using the combination of both the chocolates then you may need less cream to make ganache as milk chocolate has more milk solids as compared to dark chocolate.

  • Mam very informative article, I didn’t get this part’ The ganache has to be stored for at least 6 hours for it to firm up’ bcz u said let it on room temperature b4 use, then y should keep in fridge for6 hours.

    Second why should v whipped the ganache??

    • When we make the ganache it is flowy because of the heat in it. It has to cool down before you are able to work with it. Keeping it in the fridge has not to impact on your external temperature conditions. You can also leave it on counter overnight to let it cool down.
      Whipping the ganache makes it more creamy.

  • Hi, very informative article, plz let me know why should we whip the ganache??I mean Wats the use. Thanks

  • Can you please share measurements for 6” round cake with 2 cake layers and an 8” cake with 2 cake layers
    Great teaching …thanks

  • Hello, your article is very informative and helpful.
    Can we heat up non dairy whipping cream to make the ganache out of it?

  • Thank you for your useful tips.i recently did a class where I was taught that adding corn syrup or glucose to the ganache will give a shine.i had glucose so I added a bit, but while spreading on the cake I noticed bits of solidified pieces.where did I go wrong?

    • Faiziya,

      Thank you so much for your feedback. Faiziya without knowing the exact process that you followed, it difficult to tell what went wrong. However adding little butter can make the ganache shiny.

      Happy Baking!

  • Wonderful article!
    How do I use ganache that was stored in freezer? If it appears too thick despite thawing can I heat it via double boiler?

  • Hello Suchi, I am planning to use ganache as frosting for a bake sale. It would be an AC environment in a mall. How long can it last without refrigeration?

    • Hi,Aditi! If it’s an air conditioned environment then there won’t be any issues regarding the ganache. It will be totally okay. By the way, all the very best for your bake sale.

  • Hello your article was really a very beneficial for the beginners but one thing you have missed in this article or in queries is that how to piping with the ganache…As for myself ….I started my homebaking last year BUT notice that from nov. that I am not able to pipe ganache .it fixes in the nozzles and faced a lot difficulty .many times so please guide how we can use this for piping……THANK YOU…

    • Hi, Kirtika!When you say the ganache fixes in the nozzle what do you exactly mean? Does it get stuck because the ganache is too hard or do you find any kind of chocolate particle stuck to the end of the nozzle? In the prior case, make a softer ganache by either decreasing the cream or increasing the ratio of the chocolate. And if it’s the latter case then while making ganache the chocolate in Thur cream fails to mix properly hence leaving a lumpy ganache with chocolate bits. Make sure you melt the chocolate properly on double boiler with the cream. Hope this helps!

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